Mayo. El origen del fuego

27 de jul. de 2020


CréditosTraducción y Locución  Francisco Almada LeyvaIlustrador Koosuke Amezcua Furuya /ón y Producción COMBOAnimación COMBO / Koosuke Amezcua FuruyaMúsica Enrique Quiroz / BiovoDiseño de Audio Wetback / Igor Figueroa
Junak táapo tuk sïme jume nabolim juka taixta wáatiay të tuk ju tajji úttesi mejikat kawwi pátäku tuk aayuakay.
Jume nabolim naw a ettéjoka juka boorokta aman a jariwtuak bejasu tuk bäpo a joak-ti eaka ka a táamatchiley.
Ju boorok bíinwatuka aman yebsak wanäy wépü óbbata núuka të beja wame bäm yékkapo a wériäw a tuuchariak.
Wanäy ju aayes juka tótorita áamak a wée íhaka nonookak; júnëli beja juka óbbata a tuuk báareyo massa jíbebbaka a tápichaeyyey.
Júnëlim beja a núupak të wame nabolim a bíttuayo, ju óbba, taawaachita buásiapo köm wetchek wanäy beja buásiapo tájjaka ama yew wáanteka juyyaw wetcheka juka taixta sïme ániat a chíbextiak.
júmë nabolimte bäysawwe juka taixta itow núupakä béchïbo ju taawaachi éntok, júnëli biichik buásiaka taawak itom a täyäpo bénnasi.
Júnëlim a ettétejo jume yoremem
English versionAbout the origin of fire
They say many years ago every animal wanted fire, but it was on top of the highest mountain.
So they suggested the frog went looking for it, he wouldn't get burn since he lived in water.
It took the frog a while to get there, and when he finally grabbed a hot coal, the water on his mouth put the fire out.
Then, the fox suggested the chicken should go with him so every time the fire was about to extinguish, the chicken would blow on it to rekindle the flame.
They made it back but the coal fell on the tlacuache's tale, making him run scared around the mountain leaving traces of fire everywhere.
Thanks to these animals we now have fire and the Tlacuache's tale looks the way we now know.
That's how the Yoremes tell it.


Pitiquito y sus recuerdos

Pitiquito y sus recuerdos, página con novedades mundiales y de México e historias y anécdotas del pueblo de Pitiquito, Sonora, México.